Scripts and Writing Samples

Confidence title page.JPG


“Confidence” is an hour-long art crime meets family drama about an art forger who, out of the blue, gets a phone call: her estranged parents have been killed in a car accident and she has to take custody of the 12 year old sister she didn’t even know existed.


Nervous System

“Nervous System” is a half-hour single cam about a woman starting a PhD program in Neuroscience as she tries to find support and community while fighting back against imposter syndrome, anxiety, and the fundamentally broken world of academia.

Nervous System title page.JPG
Janus one title page.JPG

Janus One

“Janus One” is an hour-long, old school sci-fi a la “Star Trek,” “Farscape,” and “Stargate SG-1.” It tells the story of a group of scientists who make humankind’s first faster than light jump, only to learn their destination is already inhabited by an intelligent species with a penchant for religious extremism, and a blanket dislike of extraterrestrial visitors.